Emigrate Online

Why emigrate Online?

Alternative to Living Off The Grid

To emigrate online is the alternative to living “off the grid.” 

First, in order to see a complete picture, let’s look at the advantages of living off the grid: you are able to live independently with little or no reliance on governmental organisations and public utilities; you develop skills such as organic gardening, foraging, rainwater harvesting, small-scale composting, basic carpentry, plumbing, construction; and you learn to live connected to nature full time.

The alternative to living off the grid, is obviously to live on the grid: to use public utilities and established infrastructure for services. And in this scenario emigrating online means contributing, adapting, and prospering as a digital citizen on the internet.

It is important to create (instead of only consume) in order to live a balanced life in the digital world; the majority of us seem to be experiencing a slight imbalance in our interaction with the internet.

The “Emigrate Online” course helps you create and thrive.

Course modules

Online Communication:

Examine various online communication tools and methods; using proper tone and emphasis; explicit vs implicit language; managing video and audio conversations.

Netiquette and Digital Citizenship

Overview on navigating and participating in the digital world effectively, responsibly, and safely; giving and receiving criticism; drawing the line between sharing and spamming.

Speaking on Camera

Externalizing internal dialogue; understanding the writing and rehearsing process; conveying information through storytelling and emotional connection; performing vs improvising; technical equipment.

Activing Listening & Empathy

Increasing attention span; removing distractions and focusing; interpreting body language and tone of voice; reflecting, praphrasing, and providing encouragement; processing information and judging accurately.

Social Media Awareness

Thought leadership and trust building; social media network vs platform; public vs private profiles; creating content for B2B and B2C; handling sponsored content; monitoring online reputation; friends vs followers; cyber bullying.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

Familiarisation with basic copyright laws; understanding Creative Commons licenses, public domain resources, and fair use policies; permission vs attribution; creating with stock footage.